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Ingredients you DONT wants to see in Guinea Pig & Rabbit food products - why Muesli isn't sa

These are the ingredients found in most muesli mixtures which one must AVOID:

•Animal Products - Including but not limited to Animal Fat, Animal Digest, Bone Meal and Eggs 

•Corn Products - Corn is not a normal feed for Cavies and may contribute to Allergies. This can also be high in Fat, Sugars and Starch depending on the product and type. 

•Nuts, Seeds- Besides not being a Natural Food Source often present with no Nutritional Content and may also be high in Protein and Fat contents. 

•Rice Bran/Rice Fibre 

•Vegetable Fibre - any and every by-product could contain Sawdust. 

•HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) which is sugar 

•Corn Syrup Sucrose - which is sugar

•Propylene Glycol (Causes Premature RBC death) 

•Food Colourings (Red, Blues, and Yellows) 

•Propyl Gallate Propyl Gallate artificial food additivecan cause allergic reactions in the form of an asthma attack in some people. It can also cause stomach and skin irritation, liver damage, kidney damage and has the potential to increase your chances of having cancer.

•Potassium Sorbate 

•Butylated Hydroxyanisole 

•Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite, or Sodium Metabisulfate 


Choose to buy Pellets in stead of Muesli! the best brand available in South Africa in my opinion is the Burgess Excel as it contains Timothy hay. To order to go this site:

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