Bonding buns...
Bonding or introducing rabbits The process of introducing two rabbits is known as bonding. As every rabbit is different and has its own...
G-Piggy & friends..
PLEASE NOTE* before getting another Guinea Pig, you need to do the following: 1. Get an EXOTIC VET or Guinea Pig rescuer to sex your...
Ingredients you DONT wants to see in Guinea Pig & Rabbit food products - why Muesli isn't sa
These are the ingredients found in most muesli mixtures which one must AVOID: •Animal Products - Including but not limited to Animal Fat,...
Piggy noises... how Guinea Pigs communicate vocally
Guinea Pig Sounds Guinea Pig is always trying to tell you something. The Cavy is a chatty animal, amusingly interactive and...
Links to interesting and helpful articles & pages
Little Critters believes that the more information one has on critter care, the better, so we are providing some links to some great...